Policy implementation & governance
These documents are formal deliverables prepared according to the FAIRWAY project's grant agreement (EU Horizon 2020, Contract 727984). They are the primary souces for the content in the »Decision support tools section of FAIRWAYiS where, in most cases, they are also presented in their entirety. In extracting information from the deliverables for FAIRWAYiS, editing was kept as light as possible and concentrated on standardising the information layout, removing references to WPs and other internal project processes and enhancing connections between articles and sections both within and between research themes in order to present a more integrated view of the research results.
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Ten relevant EU directives and policies (Water Framework Directive, Groundwater Directive, Drinking Water Directive, Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, Nitrates Directive, Industrial Emissions Directive, Environmental Impacts Assessment Directive, Habitats Directive, EU Common Agricultural Policy, Rural Development Regulation (CAP Pillar II)) are reviewed. We identify their legal requirements and assess their degree of (vertical) coherence with the overall objective of the FAIRWAY project, i.e. the protection of drinking water resources against pollution caused by pesticides and nitrates from agriculture in the EU. We also assess the degree of (horizontal) coherence amongst the five core EU directives to identify any potential negative interactions between directives.
Please cite as: Froukje Maria Platjouw, Harriet Moore, Susanne Wuijts, Sandra Boekhold, Susanne Klages, Isobel Wright, Morten Graversgaard, Gerard Velthof. 2021. Coherence in EU law and policy for the protection of drinking water resources. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 6.1R, 200 pp Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents
An executive summary of the full report.
Please cite as: Froukje Maria Platjouw, Harriet Moore, Susanne Wuijts, Sandra Boekhold, Susanne Klages, Isobel Wright, Morten Graversgaard, Gerard Velthof. 2021. Coherence in EU law and policy for the protection of drinking water resources. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 6.1R Executive Summary, 18 pp Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents
Research on the coherence and consistency of EU directives and policies and on the implementation of these in the FAIRWAY case studies is combined with additional questionnaire responses to identify lessons that can be learnt about the coherence and consistency of the application of EU regulations, and their effects at the local level, using qualitative expert data for 13 local to regional governance arrangements in 11 different European countries.
Please cite as: Wuijts, S. et al. (2021) Protection of drinking water resources from agricultural pressures: effectiveness of EU regulations in the context of local realities. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 6.3R 70 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents
The results from the other research tasks in Policy & Governance form the foundation for the development of a brief for EU policy with five key messages aimed towards improving governance conditions to better protect drinking water resources against agricultural pollution from nitrate and pesticides.
Please cite as: Boekhold, S. et al. (2021) From farm to drinking water - governance fit for the future? FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 6.5, 17 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents
Stand alone policy brief document.
Please cite as: Boekhold, S. et al. (2021) From farm to drinking water - governance fit for the future? FAIRWAY Project Policy Brief, 9 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents