
Scientific support for policy

These documents are formal deliverables prepared according to the FAIRWAY project's grant agreement (EU Horizon 2020, Contract 727984). They are the primary souces for the content in the »Scientific support for policy section of FAIRWAYiS where, in most cases, they are also presented in their entirety. In extracting information from the deliverables for FAIRWAYiS, editing was kept as light as possible and concentrated on standardising the information layout, removing references to WPs and other internal project processes and enhancing  connections between articles and sections both within and between research themes in order to present a more integrated view of the research results.

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Barriers and issues in providing integrated scientific support for EU policy

An assessment of several issues and barriers that weaken the role of science in EU policy making and EU policy implementation in the case of agricultural impacts on drinking water quality. We then proposes improvements and solutions to strengthen the role of science in this process. The analysis is conceptual but supported empirically by a desk study, a workshop, and complementary individual interviews, mostly with representatives of organizations working at the EU level. The results indicate that perceived barriers are mostly observed on the national or regional level and are connected with a lack of political will, scarce instruction on the legislation implementation process, and a lack of funding opportunities for science to be included in policy making and further EU policy implementation.

Please cite as: Špela Železnikar, Matjaž Glavan, Sindre Langaas, Gerard Velthof, Susanne Wuijts, Susanne Klages, Claudia Heidecke, Marina Pintar (2021) Evaluation report on barriers and issues in providing integrated scientific support for EU policy. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 7.1 56 pp Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents

Actors' feedback on practices for improvement of water quality in FAIRWAY case studies and interim project results

This report is in three parts: Multi Actor Platform (MAP) stakeholders evaluate possible correlations between the EU and local level on practices for the improvement of water quality in FAIRWAY case studies; different recognised stakeholders at EU level reflect on the interim project findings; and a wider group of EU land managers (mainly from COPA-COGECA and EUFRAS associations) chose the five most promising practices identified in »Management practices that reduce nitrate transport and »Management practices that reduce pesticide transport according to their applicability, cost and adoptability.

Please cite as: Janja Rudolf, Špela Železnikar, Matjaž Glavan, Andrej Udovč, Sindre Langaas, Marina Pintar, 2021. Actors' feedback on pracices for improvement of water quality in FAIRWAY case studies and interim project results. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 7.2R 74 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents

Recommendations for the most promising activities, policies and tools

Recommendations for the most promising package(s) of measures, policies, governance models and tools at national and EU level. The recommendations are drawn from the results of the FAIRWAY research programme, the effects of some of which are modelled using MITERRA-EUROPE and GeoPEARL, integrated assessment tools at national and EU level.

Please cite as: Rudolf, J. et al. (2021) Recommendations of the most promising package(s) of measures, policies, governance models and tools at national and EU level. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 7.3 76 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents

Synthesis: scientific support for policies to reduce diffuse pollution of drinking water

A synthesis of the iterative process of knowledge and practice exchange between case studies and policy during FAIRWAY, resulting in an integrated scientific support for relevant EU-policies related to drinking water quality (i.e. the Drinking Water Directive, Nitrates Directive, Water Framework Directive, and Directive on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides, as well the Common Agricultural Policy).

Please cite as: Cvejič, R. et al. (2021) Scientific support for policies aiming at reducing diffuse nitrates and pesticides pollution of drinking water in Europe; synthesis report. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 7.4 29 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents

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