
Multi-actor platforms

These documents are formal deliverables prepared according to the FAIRWAY project's grant agreement (EU Horizon 2020, Contract 727984). They are the primary souces for the content in the »Multi-actor platforms section of FAIRWAYiS where, in most cases, they are also presented in their entirety. In extracting information from the deliverables for FAIRWAYiS, editing was kept as light as possible and concentrated on standardising the information layout, removing references to WPs and other internal project processes and enhancing  connections between articles and sections both within and between research themes in order to present a more integrated view of the research results.

See »Disclaimer, copyright and privacy for information about the conditions of use of these and all FAIRWAY products.

Multi-actor platforms in the FAIRWAY project: summary of activities and experiences

A summary of the MAPs, their activities, some experiences through the course of the project and policy recommendations engagement processes.

Please cite as: Sundnes, F. et al. (2021) Multi-actor platforms in the FAIRWAY project: summary of activities and experiences. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 2.2, 30 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents

Lessons learned and recommendations for Water Safety Plans

In this report we delve into the topic of Water Safety Planning for adequate drinking water protection for small and large supplies. Our aim is to stimulate the improvement of drinking water safety across the European Union by sharing context, best practices and lessons learned on Water Safety Planning (WSP) for both small and large water supplies.

Please cite as: van den Brink, C. et al. (2021) Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Water Safety Plans. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 2.4, 97 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents

Advancing MAPs as vehicles for resolving issues on drinking water pollution from agriculture

A critical assessment of the multi-actor platform engagement processes in ten of FAIRWAY's case studies. We look at lessons learned and map opportunities and bottlenecks for meaningful engagement, shed light on challenges and how they have been addressed, and explore the future sustainability of the engagement platforms beyond the lifetime of the project.

Please cite as: Sundnes, F. et al. (2020) Advancing MAPs as vehicles for resolving issues on drinking water pollution from agriculture. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 2.5R, 56 pp. Available at www.fairway-is.eu/documents

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