Monitoring & indicators
These documents are formal deliverables prepared according to the FAIRWAY project's grant agreement (EU Horizon 2020, Contract 727984). They are the primary souces for the content in the »Monitoring & indicators section of FAIRWAYiS where, in most cases, they are also presented in their entirety. In extracting information from the deliverables for FAIRWAYiS, editing was kept as light as possible and concentrated on standardising the information layout, removing references to WPs and other internal project processes and enhancing connections between articles and sections both within and between research themes in order to present a more integrated view of the research results.
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Agri-environmental indicators have been widely used on the EU level i. a. to monitor the Common Agricultural Policy and European environmental status. However, given the complex system and linkage of different agricultural production systems, as well as different settings and specific characteristics in hydrological systems, in this report we develop a range of indicators that analyse in depth the relation between agricultural inputs of nitrate and pesticides and the impact on drinking water quality as this is an aspect so far only broadly addressed within agri-environmental indicators.
Please cite as: Klages, S., Surdyk, N., Christophoridis, C., Hansen, B., Heidecke, C., Henriot, A., Kim, H., Schimmelpfennig, S. 2018. Review report of Agri-Drinking Water quality Indicators and IT/sensor techniques, on farm level, study site and drinking water source. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 3.1, 180 pp. Available at
In this report, agri-drinking water indicators are defined within the DPLSIR-framework including a new 'link' type of indicator. The link indicator is developed to better explain the relationship between pressure from agriculture and state of water quality. Datasets (long-term series of water quality in groundwater in combination with nitrogen pressure and pesticide indicators) from three of the FAIRWAY case studies (Island Tunø and Aalbork, DK and La Voulzie, FR) are analysed and recommendations made for a short-list of nitrogen, pesticide and link indicators.
Please cite as Birgitte Hansen, Hyojin Kim, Ingelise Møller, Abel Henriot, Marc Laurencelle, Tommy Dalgaard, Morten Graversgaard, Susanne Klages, Claudia Heidecke and Nicolas Surdyk. 2021. Evaluation of ADWIs: agri-drinking water quality indicators in three case studies (FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 3.2) Available at
A leaflet summarising the take home messages from the report the Link Between Agricultural Pressure and Drinking Water Quality State: Lessons Learned in Denmark and France
This report accompanies the harmonized data sets for water quality monitoring of drinking water resources and describes the development, structure and use of the data sets.
Please cite as: Marc Laurencelle, Nicolas Surdyk, Matjaž Glavan, Birgitte Hansen, Claudia Heidecke, Hyojin Kim, Susanne Klages 2021. (Short note for the) database containing harmonised data sets, 28 pp. FAIRWAY Project Deliverable 3.3. Available at
This excel database contains all "tabular" (non-GIS) data related to the 13 case studies that was gathered for the purposes of FAIRWAY's Monitoring & Indicators research theme. It is structured as one "data sheet" and one "summary sheet" per case study.
To complement the excel indicators database, this zipped folder contains all GIS data gathered for the FAIRWAY's Monitoring & Indicators research theme. The GIS files are grouped in subfolders, by case study, and then by keywords describing the nature of the spatial data.