Definitions of key terms and words used used by the FAIRWAY project and in this website.
Based on a combination of indicators relating to the environmental vulnerability of the surface water environment and the agricultural pressure. The combination of these indicators for each pixel provides the contamination risk. PHYTOPIXAL is a GIS model. Using this tool saves time in the detection of action zones allowing for a better implementation of the recommendations aimed at reducing contamination. The method can be an accessible common baseline (reference tool). Country of use: FR.
A nutrient management decision support tool for use by farmers and advisers in England/Wales and Scotland for field level nutrient planning and for assessing and demonstrating compliance with the Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) rules. Country of use: UK.
Applied by farmers and advisors for reduction of use of pesticides and ensuring that only legal pesticides are used. The tool gives recommendations on whether or not to spray, dosage and spraying time. Country of use: DK.
Programmes of Measures
Plant Protection Products Regulation
An electronic database which contains details of product label and off-label information including MRL’s, environmental and operator restrictions, ProCheck provides a highly comprehensive pesticide data source. Maintained daily by Muddy Boots, ProCheck is updated using the latest web technology. Being an off-line application ensures users can access the data at any time without the need to ‘log-on’, and even use the system in the field on a laptop. Its powerful search engine enables product choice by a large number of criteria delivering true decision support capability. Country of use: UK.