Environmental Yardstick is a decision support tool that shows the environmental impact of pesticides permitted on the Dutch market. For each crop there is an accompanying environmental impact sheet with all pesticides that can be applied. It enables the user to compart and choose the least harmful crop protection strategy.

Contents table
1. Environmental Yardstick
2. Maize - environmental impact sheet
3. Winter wheat - environmental impact sheet
4. Potato: herbicides & insectides - environmental impact sheet
5. Potato: fungicides - environmental impact sheet
6. Grassland/grass seed (1.5-3% organic matter) - environmental impact sheet
7. Grassland/grass seed (3-6% organic matter) - environmental impact sheet

1. Environmental Yardstick

Environmental Yardstick shows the environmental impact of pesticides permitted on the Dutch market. The tool enables the user to compart and choose the least harmful crop protection strategy.

Download the infographic

2. Maize - environmental impact sheet

Download the environmental impact sheet


3. Winter wheat - environmental impact sheet

Download the environmental impact sheet


4. Potato: herbicides & insecticides - environmental impact sheet

Download the environmental impact sheet


5. Potato: fungicides - environmental impact sheet

Download the environmental impact sheet


6. Grassland/grass seed (1.5-3% organic matter) - environmental impact sheet

Download the environmental impact sheet


7. Grassland/grass seed (3-6% organic matter) - environmental impact sheet

Download the environmental impact sheet



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